You can Represent CTA at NEA’s Convention

For the Declaration of Candidacy form for state delegates to the 2019 NEA convention in Houston, Texas, and for more information click here.

It is the responsibility of each member wishing to run for state delegate to fill out a Declaration of Candidacy form and file it by the deadline, no later than 5 pm on January 31st, 2019. Service Center Councils will begin accepting state delegate Declaration of Candidacy forms on Jan. 3, 2019. Each candidate filing a declaration form will receive an acknowledgment of receipt.

UTLA Strike Makes History for Students and Public Education!

After six days on strike along with parents, students and community members across Los Angeles, we have reached a historic agreement that addresses major issues impacting our schools, students and professions.

January 22nd was a packed and accelerated day so that UTLA could vote on the TA and return to schools without delay. Once again LA educators showed amazing flexibility and focus. There was a lot to consider and discuss: The contract agreement makes progress in more than 20 different areas, and they will continue to talk with each other about the positive impact on their schools. Below is the link to the summary of that agreement, which the UTLA Board of Directors endorses for a YES vote.

The agreement is a paradigm shift and delivers on the defining demands of our contract campaign: click here for the summary aggrement 

Tony Thurmond Wins Historic State Superintendent Race

Assemblymember and former social worker Tony Thurmond will be California’s next Superintendent of Public Instruction. In a historic victory for the millions of public school students across California, Marshall Tuck called Tony Thurmond 11 days after Election Day to concede in a race where every vote mattered.

The most recent results from the Secretary of State are available here.

Despite being outspent by more than 2-to-1 by billionaires backing former Wall Street banker Tuck and his scheme to privative our public schools, Thurmond prevailed in what was the most expensive race for a state schools chief in U.S. history thanks to the work of thousands of educators, parents and public education supporters.

Click on the links below to learn more about Tony Thurmond.

2018 We Honor Our (WHO) Awards

OSCC honors and thanks leaders who make a difference for students and instructors.

OSCC could not be the successful organization it is without the leadership of hundreds of local members who work tirelessly at the bargaining table, reaching out to members, providing guidance on grievances, campaigning for education-friendly trustees, and in general strengthening their chapters. These local education and union activists were honored at the Spring OSCC  WHO Awards Dinner in Costa Mesa.



Elvira Bermudez, Toni Munoz, and Jim Fox were honored at the dinner.

Toni Munoz with her mother and grandmother at the WHO Awards.