Rep Council

The APLE Rep Council is the policy-making body of the Association. The Representative Council is comprised of members of the Association and derives its powers from and is responsible to the membership.

Your APLE Rep Council includes APLE Executive Board, APLE Officers and School Site Representatives.  The Officers and Executive Board Directors are elected with open nominations from Association members and by secret ballot.  The Site Representatives are also elected with open nominations from Association members and by secret ballot.  Each site is entitled to at least one representative and shall have one representative for every 20 Association members on their staff.

Your APLE Rep Council meets every third Wednesday of the month at the APLE office, except when a meeting falls on a school or federal holiday. In the event that the Rep Council meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting is re-scheduled on either the Wednesday prior to or the Wednesday following the regularly scheduled Rep Council meeting. Please see our Events Page for meeting dates, locations, and times.

Elementary School Representatives



George Key





Rio Vista

Rose Drive

Ruby Drive

Sierra Vista

Travis Ranch


Venture Academy


Middle School Representatives

High School Representatives

Other Representatives


Elementary Music

Elementary PE

Contact your Site Rep

Adapted PE

© 2025 APLE | 1250 N Lakeview Ave # A, Anaheim, CA 92807 | (714) 970-3700